I must admit, I wasn't sure I could get into this "web design" thing. In fact, I was convinced I'd simply NEVER get it. When my brother first handed me an HTML book, I sat down and opened the first page and began to read. The more I read, the more confused I became. I finally put the book down, completely frustrated and depressed. I thought to myself, "If this is the stuff I need to learn to be a web designer, I may as well sign up to become a rocket scientist. It was THAT intimidating.
Well, somewhere along the line my German stubborn-ness kicked in and I became even more determined to not only learn this stuff, but conquer it and make my own mark, albeit a small one on the world wide web. It was that determination and drive that pushed me past my "normal" limits, into the vast world HTML.
Michelle guided me through it, then gently pushed me off the cliff. It was up to me to either land on the ground in a heap or try out my web wings and fly. I chose to fly....a nice metaphor for the Serenity Birdhouses.
Admittedly, I have much to learn and it's a process, much like the website, but at least I have a better concept of how everything ties together (and it does), than I did when I started. It may take me a while to get there, but get there I will...much like the tortoise, slowly, surely, and one web page at a time.