My First Novel |
I have recently published my first novel, "Rescued." I started writing this book ten years ago when an idea came to me after reading a book by Mary Higgins Clark. The book evolved over two years and in 2004, an agent from Georgia said he'd be happy to take me as a client. He sent out the manuscript and after a year when he couldn't lure a publisher, discouraged, I put the book aside. In early 2005, I rewrote the book again, this time approaching publishers directly. I followed the format for the Harlequin Intrigue" series, but received rejection letters as it didn't meet Harlequin's rigid standards. It's true what they say about those rejections.
In August, 2006 I became a grandmother and my world changed dramatically, the book went on the back burner again, but it was a loose end that I wanted to finish. I had a great story, so when a friend suggested I try self-publishing, I rewrote the book for the fifth time last November, and got the Lulu.com